Jul 27, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: The neighborhood in and around Alma St. in Pittsfield has rallied in its opposition to a cell tower that Verizon is building in violation of Pittsfield City ordinances regarding the mandate to inform all 300-foot abutters at least three times prior to...
Jul 27, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I live in the middle of Plumb Street in the neighborhood where the cell tower is being constructed. I learned about the tower a few months ago on Facebook. I couldn’t believe it when I found out it was at the top of Alma Street and not on South...
Jul 13, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I am writing to strongly object to the cell tower being built in the Pittsfield neighborhood of Alma Avenue. When I read of the huge tower being constructed, I thought “it couldn’t happen on my street.” Or could it? I live on a...
Jul 9, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: It’s not only the people who live in a neighborhood who should object to a cell tower going up next door. We had many worries when we learned that AT&T was proposing to install a 154-foot tower near our home. But, one of the biggest concerns...
Jul 9, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I have been living in this beautiful neighborhood for 13 years. I moved here to raise my daughter and start a new life. My search for the perfect house in a cozy friendly community where I could enjoy a little peace and quiet ended when I fell in love...
Jul 8, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: Come on, Pittsfield. The mayor and councilors are (supposed to be) here for the people, and to support and protect the people. Not only was there no notification and no community awareness of a Verizon Wireless cell tower, there is also no need for it...
Jun 27, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I live in the neighborhood of southeast Pittsfield formerly known as “shack town.” Our neighborhood is made up of hardworking people. We are teachers, students, war veterans, roofers, cancer survivors, health care workers, DPW workers, your...
Jun 25, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I am writing to voice my opinions about the Verizon cell tower construction at the top of Alma Street in Pittsfield. Verizon, along with the city, are indicating that the permits for the cell tower were legally obtained with regards to notifying all...