Jun 27, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I live in the neighborhood of southeast Pittsfield formerly known as “shack town.” Our neighborhood is made up of hardworking people. We are teachers, students, war veterans, roofers, cancer survivors, health care workers, DPW workers, your...
Jun 25, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: I am writing to voice my opinions about the Verizon cell tower construction at the top of Alma Street in Pittsfield. Verizon, along with the city, are indicating that the permits for the cell tower were legally obtained with regards to notifying all...
Jun 20, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: Recently the neighborhood I grew up in has become a party to concerns regarding the placement of a cell phone tower within a residential neighborhood. Beyond the issue of whether it is right or wrong, is the deeper issue of the city’s totally...