Aug 22, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: When will the well-being of regular citizens be considered more important than the “right” of corporations (read: “the rich”) to get richer? My property value is being put on the line so that a multibillion-dollar corporation can...
Aug 22, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor, I live on Plumb Street and knew nothing about the cell tower with the apparent address of 877 South St. being built at the top of multiple residential streets. Seeing as the construction company used Plumb and Alma streets to access and construct the...
Aug 15, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: Like so many others who have concerns about the cell tower permitting process, I called into the open comment portion of the recent Pittsfield City Council meeting. While four people were able to comment, there were at least another 10 of us on the...
Aug 8, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: My heart is breaking about the Verizon Wireless cell tower being constructed at the end of my street. Like all my Alma Street neighbors, I was shocked to learn that the reason for the construction vehicles coming up here was to prepare for a cell tower....
Aug 6, 2020 | Our Stories
To the editor: We at the Berkshire County Historical Society have recently been notified about the construction of a Verizon Communications Tower at 877 South St. On behalf of the Berkshire County Historical Society, I am writing to express our reservations with the...