To the editor:

I am writing to voice my extremely strong opposition to the construction of a cell tower in Ward 4 at the top of Alma Street, off of Plumb Street in Pittsfield.

What a devastation to discover that a cell tower is being actively constructed so close to our homes at the same time that COVID-19 is actively stripping away all aspects of normalcy from our lives.

There has been a total lack of awareness, transparency and communication around the cell tower. None of the abutters in our neighborhood received the required notifications. We are in shock. 

I am disappointed and alarmed that a cell tower would be even considered for a residential neighborhood. Both anecdotal reports and epidemiology studies have found headaches, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, depression, concentration problems, dizziness, memory changes and increased risk of cancer, tremors and other neurophysiological effects in populations near base stations. Given these highly publicized concerns around health issues associated with cell towers, the 20 to 40 percent reduction in home and land values, the environmental and visual impact, it is unconscionable that it be placed here.

Given Verizon’s online coverage map already showing full coverage without any gaps to the area the cell tower will serve, there is no demonstrated need to place a 115-foot tower in a residential neighborhood with a height restriction of 35 feet. From my house, I can already see a cell tower and its ever-blinking red light. We have one tower, which concerns us and is already a blight on our view. There is no demonstrated need for another. 

We love our neighborhood and moved here from capital cities to enjoy nature and the natural beauty of this area. Given our neighborhoods were part of Herman Melville’s Arrowhead farm, home to Native Americans for which the Arrowhead property was named after, and then home to World War II Victory Gardens, there is historical significance to these lands. The cell tower location is home to red tailed hawk, falcons, owls, deer, bear, foxes, coyotes, turkeys, salamanders, turtles and a plethora of other wildlife, and being adjacent to wetlands, we have serious and abiding concerns about the cell tower construction in this location. 

It is totally unacceptable that a cell tower even be considered here. Moving ahead without transparency, abutter notification and community announcement is unconscionable.

Courtney Gilardi,


Published in Berkshire Eagle,603399