Letters of Support

Our Stories

Letter: Cell tower opponents continue to go unheard

To the editor: Like so many others who have concerns about the cell tower permitting process, I called into the open comment portion of the recent Pittsfield City Council meeting. While four people were able to comment, there were at least another 10 of us on the...

Letter: Cell tower plan is heartbreaking

To the editor: My heart is breaking about the Verizon Wireless cell tower being constructed at the end of my street. Like all my Alma Street neighbors, I was shocked to learn that the reason for the construction vehicles coming up here was to prepare for a cell tower....

Letter: Cell tower is not an isolated incident

Letter: Cell tower is not an isolated incident

To the editor: The neighborhood in and around Alma St. in Pittsfield has rallied in its opposition to a cell tower that Verizon is building in violation of Pittsfield City ordinances regarding the mandate to inform all 300-foot abutters at least three times prior to...

Letter: Cell tower plan puts neighborhood at risk

Letter: Cell tower plan puts neighborhood at risk

To the editor: I live in the middle of Plumb Street in the neighborhood where the cell tower is being constructed. I learned about the tower a few months ago on Facebook. I couldn't believe it when I found out it was at the top of Alma Street and not on South Street....

Letter: Cell tower plan an infringement on neighborhood

Letter: Cell tower plan an infringement on neighborhood

To the editor: I am writing to strongly object to the cell tower being built in the Pittsfield neighborhood of Alma Avenue. When I read of the huge tower being constructed, I thought "it couldn't happen on my street." Or could it? I live on a dead-end street with a...

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